Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility. We work hard to ensure our school has and effective school culture though our taught curriculum in areas such as Online Safety, and PSHE (Personal, social and health); though continuous vigilance, through policy and procedure; through our ongoing open and honest relationships with families and children; and finally through meticulous recording and through ongoing professional development for our staff.
School has a Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL, Mr. Gibbins) and two Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSL, Mrs. Turner & Mr. Baseford) who undergo regular training and who are the staff and parents first port of call if they have concerns about the wellbeing or safety of children outside of school. The school receives its statutory safeguarding training in line with Kirklees requirements and ensures staff are updated every single year on changes, new developments or legalities.
Staff are fully aware of who to speak to and the procedures around reporting safeguarding concerns within school. If you would like to speak with someone about a safeguarding concern, please contact the schools DSL or one of the schools two DDSLs to arrange a meeting.
Meltham CE Primary is also an Operation encompass school. We work in partnership with the local police to be kept informed of any incidents the police have attended involving one or more of our children who have been present. This helps us to be clear about the challenges some of our children live with and be forewarned and prepared for them each morning. For more information about Operation Encompass you can follow the link below:
Remember, safeguarding is everyone's responsibility, so if you have a worry about a child or a family, no matter how big or how small, pass it on to one of our staff. All of our policies around safeguarding can be found in the parents section of the website under the policies tab.
Lots of really useful information to help your child stay safe online can be found by clicking the links below:
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Parentzone has guides for many of the popular apps. social media and games that children might want to use.